Joanne Clements
Welcome!  My name is Joanne Clements and this is my website where I will share with you much of what is important to me - how I spend my time - causes that concern me - people - blogs about different issues and links to websites I like.  

After working for many years in a range of different roles in the public and private sectors, my life-as-it-was stopped in the Spring of 2006 when a general anaesthetic triggered parkinsonism-like neuro symptoms and threw me out of the workforce.  For 9 years I was medicated with Parkinson's drugs, and as they were withdrawn in 2015, widespread autonomic dysfunction "with end organ engagement" emerged. Since then a worsening dysautonomia coupled with breast cancer (chemo and mastectomies), insanely labile BP and a minor cerebellar stroke have together combined to keep me, essentially, housebound. My job is looking after me - keeping my body mobile, often entertainingly so with various balance exercises and equipment, my mind alert (esp. Duolingo Italian) and my spirits upbeat!

Have a look at the six other pages (tabbed above) - I hope you enjoy what you find here. I'll update things as/when I can!
Posts on Twitter / X
Posts on Bluesky
Chinese Year of the Snake
Autonomic Dysfunction
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
@solarimpulse @futureisclean
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